The Stars Championship Series will require active PBB spoiler systems for all IAME categories beginning with round one of the 2022 program.
Push back bumpers have been a heavily debated topic since their introduction to the sport in 2016. The PBB system is not a substitute for consistent officiating, and the #stars program will maintain having 4 marshals in lifts at each of our events. The reality is that even with some of the most talented marshals in the sport, it is still incredibly difficult to manage large fields over 30 competitors deep.
Our hope is to maintain the culture found at our events through the rapid growth we are seeing currently, and utilizing the PBB system will hold drivers throughout the field accountable for poor racecraft. Competitors will be able to protest PBB infractions under the same process as all other penalties.

PBB procedures can be found in section 20.2.23 of the NKA Sporting Regulations ( If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us at